Friendship is...

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
– C.S. Lewis

Thursday 3 October 2019



Els amos de Colometa tenen diverses cases, les quals estan en lloguer. Colometa va entrar a la casa i la senyora li digué que estaven passant per un disgust, perquè al seu gendre li havien tirat un os a l'ull per pujar-li el lloguer al llogater. Poc després de contar-li açò, trucaren a la porta, era un matrimoni amb fills que venien per l'anunci de la torre, però els va fer fora perquè els amos no volien fills, ja que ho feien malbé tot.
Va deixar els nens uns dies amb l'Enriqueta, però el nen es va cansar i volia tornar al pis. Finalment Colometa presenta al seu marit, Quimet, a la senyora perquè aquest la ve a buscar.


L'Antoni va proposar matrimoni a Natàlia i aquesta després de pensar-ho detingudament li va dir que sí. Se n'anaren a veure la casa on anaven a viure, però no li agradava gens a Natàlia, per culpa d'açò es va penedir d'haver-li dit que si.
Però finalment, uns mesos després, es casaren, però abans de casar-se Natàlia li va fer arreglar la casa.

Thursday 2 May 2019


A few years ago I went to Malta to learn some English, it was amazing and I did a lot of friends. Especially three girls called just like me. Two were from the same school and they knew each other, but the four of us were practically inseparable. 

At first, we were best friends and I trusted them from the first night we saw in an activity. The month passed very quickly, and we shared all the moments, the stories were incredible because of them and I really enjoyed that summer. 

As soon as we returned home we talked every day. But we were in different cities, so the contact was getting lost. We all have our normal life back after that new experience and as much as we miss each other we can not hang out the four of us. 

We stayed in Malta for a very long time spending every single moment together. It has been inevitable to stop talking. But even if we don't talk now, we'll always remember those days having a good time.
This relationship has changed, but we still know about our lives and I can count on them every time I need. 


A few years ago, I met two friends in Girona. My family and I were spending a week there and the sisters were at the same hotel. These sisters are from Germany, but their father is Spanish, and that is why they speak Spanish properly. Their names are Lilian and Alicia.

We spend the week playing on the billiards that the hotel own, playing board games or swimming and playing pool games. My grandfather, who comes with us in those travels, also befriended them. He used to play billiards with us and he was so nice to them. Last day of the first year, their parents wanted to taste my father's paella. And we organize a big lunch with them. It was a nice experience. We spend another year with their family at the same place, and we looked for new activities to do, like trips.

Last year, I went to visit my uncle and cousins to Almeria. Fortunately, Alicia and Lilian didn't go to Girona. We used to text a lot, but without personal contact, we have lost online contact but my grandfather sometimes writes postals to them with me and we try to keep contact with them.


A Relationship That Has Changed

This happened 12 years ago, when I was 5 years old I went to spend the summer in the house of my grandparents that is in the mountain. The neighbor who was a great friend of my grandfather had a granddaughter whose name was Lorena.

One day I went with my grandfather to his house, we met and we started to be friends. We played soccer with other children in the neighborhood, we went to the pool and the mountain. But one day I went to her grandpa's home, and he told me that she was not there, since she went to the hospital. She returned home a day later and moved in with her parents, as she needed to be closer to a hospital.The summer passed without my knowing anything about her and I returned home to go to school.

The following year when I returned to my grandparents' house they told me that she had cancer and that she had to be treated. Until this date I don’t know anything about her, when her family moved out, we lost the connection and I only hope that she is well.


Paul and me loved playing tennis together, mainly 1 versus 1 because he didn't like playing the doubles modality. We also enjoyed a great deal playing videogames against each other because we were very competitive, but he was more than me because he wanted to play tennis or videogames in a professional way.

We signed up to the same tournament 2 years ago. For Paul was a very important tournament owing to the fact that if you win this tournament and 2 more of the same category in Spain, you could travel to New York and begin to become a professional. However, I was not going to play the other tournaments so for me was a simple tournament.

Paul played so nervously that despite of being better than the others, ha almost lost some matches, but finally he could arrive to the final. Nevertheless, I played very chill and due to the fact that tennis is a sport were being relaxed and concentrated is very important to dont get anxious, I arrived to the final.

In the final, Paul was so tense that he failed a lot of points stupidly and i won the final almost unintentionally. Because of that, Paul got extremely angry with me and never talked to me again, but last year we were in the same tournament too, and Paul told me that if he could win me, he would forgive what happened. However, we two lost in semifinals and couldn't play aganist, so he is still angry with me.



A few years ago, when my sister and I were a bit small, we lived in a house with my father and my mother, we had a great time together and with our dogs. But the day came when my father wanted us, he separated from my mother but he kept coming home to take advantage of us. At that time the dogs were dying, nothing was the same.

We had a house in Cullera the 4 of us, where we went to summer every summer When my parents split up, my father kept it. Since then, we would go to another house to spend summer near the other because all our friends were there. We used to see him a few times a week, he asked us how we were doing, how we were doing at school... But little by little that changed over the years. When he saw us he only greeted us from afar and we didn't have any kind of relationship with him. And last year we learned that he sold the house and go out.

Right now for us is a big change, but a change that has come great in our lives.

Wednesday 1 May 2019


                            A RELATIONSHIP THAT HAS CHANGED

When I used to go to primary school, I knew all people in my grade, but i didn't knew all of them as much as I knew my friends. I was in the Spanish class and there was another group wich was "The Valencian class". I didn't get the  chance to get to know them as much.
I  sometimes talked with some other people from The Valencian class, always in schooltrips where I could just have some conversation with them,or tried to go with them in breaktime.

I went to highschool years later, and in second year I decided it would be a great idea to go on the snow trip. I had an amazing time that week, getting lost on the mountain or sleeping at the same hotel room as my  collics; that made me closer to my friends. One of those friends is Lidia, one of the people that belongs to The Valencian class, and one of the people that I almost didn't know. Nowadays she is one of my best friends, we hang out almost everyday, and we have shared a lot of expierencies together.

It's funny how a person you barely  know can really make such an impact in your life once you get to know her.